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#5240 + ( )/48 - [ Report ]
// In AP Gov, there is a discussion about Madison's Federalist #10
Ms. Schoeplein: So Madison basically says that factions are groups who are opposed to the rights of others and are detrimental to society. Can anyone give me an example of a modern day faction?
Student: Team Edward and Team Jacob! -
#2080 + ( )/29 - [ Report ]
// AP Gov class
Schoeplein: What I heard from my Republican cousin was...well, nevermind, that doesn't really make sense.
Student: What, what'd they say?
Schoeplein: He said that the parts of Nevada where prostitution is legal are usually held by Republicans. It doesn't really go along with the whole family values thing though.
Student 2: Well, Republicans are pro-business.