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#5571 + ( )/25 - [ Report ]
// During AP Gov class, talking about current events
Mr. Kummer: So what important event is going to happen on October 1st?
Class: SATs.
Mr. Kummer: ...So what event in the world of government and politics is going to happen on October 1st?
Class: ...SATs.
Mr. Kummer: *facepalms* -
#5240 + ( )/48 - [ Report ]
// In AP Gov, there is a discussion about Madison's Federalist #10
Ms. Schoeplein: So Madison basically says that factions are groups who are opposed to the rights of others and are detrimental to society. Can anyone give me an example of a modern day faction?
Student: Team Edward and Team Jacob! -
#5026 + ( )/16 - [ Report ]
// Talking about why Barney Frank isn’t President in Gov
Majeske: He’s openly gay. I don’t know if America is ready for a gay president.
Aviv: He’s also Jewish. And left-handed.
Majeske: But the people in his district are such big believers in him, they’ll reelect him after his death.
Zach: So then he’ll be a left-handed gay Jew zombie? -
#4388 + ( )/39 - [ Report ]
// In AP Government, Mr. Torrence is talking about the wardrobe malfunction at the Superbowl
Mr. Torrence: People were upset because there were children watching.
Mr. Torrence: As if children haven't already seen mammary glands...
Mr. Torrence (aside): Once you get old enough to appreciate them you can't see them anymore... -
#4337 + ( )/50 - [ Report ]
// In AP Gov, discussing Habeas Corpus and how police procedure varies by locality.
Mr. Lamb: ...but if you're in Sweedunk, Missouri or somewhere like that, and the sheriff says, "I don't like your types. I'm throwin' you in jail," you can say: "Habeas Corpus! Habeas Corpus! I demand to see a judge!"
Mr. Lamb: Then he'll say, "Sure, my brother Cleetus is the judge. He'll be in later. He don't like your types either."
Mr. Lamb: ...Then you're probably screwed. -
#3798 + ( )/51 - [ Report ]
// Discussing the role of the Vice President in AP Gov a week after Obama took office
Mr. Torrence: It really does depend on the administration. The latest incumbent, He Who Must Not Be Named, worked very closely with his vice president... Darth Vader. One could even say that the relationship was similar to the one that exists between Vader and the Emperor.
Arvind: But which one is the Emperor?
Mr. Torrence: Good question...