Search Results
#5186 + ( )/32 - [ Report ]
// In Philosophy, John is wearing a fedora and Dave is wearing a bright green fuzzy hat
Mr. Lamb (to John): Usually in movies if someone is wearing a hat like that, they're the con man or professional gambler or something.
Mr. Lamb: And when someone is wearing a hat like Dave's they're usually getting locked up somewhere. -
#4337 + ( )/50 - [ Report ]
// In AP Gov, discussing Habeas Corpus and how police procedure varies by locality.
Mr. Lamb: ...but if you're in Sweedunk, Missouri or somewhere like that, and the sheriff says, "I don't like your types. I'm throwin' you in jail," you can say: "Habeas Corpus! Habeas Corpus! I demand to see a judge!"
Mr. Lamb: Then he'll say, "Sure, my brother Cleetus is the judge. He'll be in later. He don't like your types either."
Mr. Lamb: ...Then you're probably screwed. -
#3398 + ( )/45 - [ Report ]
// Class gets their comparative religion tests on primal religions back
// Mr. Lamb writes "Diseased" on the blackboard
Mr. Lamb: Pratik, what does that say?
Pratik: "Diseased."
Mr. Lamb: Okay, because on the test you wrote about ancestor veneration and how people worship the diseased...
Mr. Lamb: "Oh ye with pox!"