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#1615 + ( )/45 - [ Report ]
// During a class about population genetics...
Mrs. Stevens: Pretend that we put you on an island and told you to mate with each other.
*Class titters*
Stevens: Now, you would have certain preferences, so certain traits would... What?
*More giggles*
Stevens: Oh! My goodness, I'm sorry. Pretend that you are all Schmoos, and we put you on an island to mate.
*More lauging*
Stevens: Okay! A group of schmoos are on an island, and...
Student:*quietly* Haha, schmoo sex... -
#1148 + ( )/38 - [ Report ]
Ms. Stevens: ...and in the spring, we'll go outside and watch the plants have sex. Yes, we will all watch the plants having sex - actually, you will measure the amount of sex they have and record it on your sheets. Actually, I was hoping that this maple out there would show us how plants have sex, but it's not cooperating, it's not even dropping its leaves! Sometimes I just want to go out there and shake it. But anyway, we will watch them have sex.