Search Results
#715 + ( )/147 - [ Report ]
SirQuackingston: I wonder what life would be like if we talked in xml....
SirQuackingston: like
SirQuackingston: <reprimand>Bad Dan! Stop getting distracted!</reprimand>
SirQuackingston: <exclamation>I like cheese!</exclamantion>
SirQuackingston: argh, parse error
SirQuackingston: </exclamation>*
TheDanTran: <statement type="sarcastic">that would be so awesome. let's do this from now on</statement> -
#47 + ( )/8 - [ Report ]
TheDanTran: logicnerd411's LJ stalker is jgrafton!
jgrafton is stalking you because they think you are rich and they want your blingbling. They are also getting jiggy with your best friend!
TheDanTran: Uhm. errr...
Jeff Grafton (cpujeff122): yes
Jeff Grafton (cpujeff122): I want your blingbling, dan